Jibber AI with Rapid API Errors

The Rapid API service can scale to 100s of concurrent requests, but if the service has not been used for some time, then the service scales itself right down to avoid consuming resources and energy.

When you make a request and the service has not been used for some time, you may receive 503 (Service Unavailable) or 504 (Gateway Timeout) errors after about 30 seconds.

It can take a minute of two for the service to be up and running and the model loaded.

You should find that after a few retries, the service will be available and will return data.

Once loaded, subsequent requests should return quickly.


If multiple concurrent requests are submitted, the service starts scaling horizontally to cope with the load. When this happens, you may also occasionally receive 503 (Service Unavailable) or 504 (Gateway Timeout) errors.

We recommend adding automatic retries of 503 and 504 errors.

Permanent Resources

If you are on the MEGA plan, then we may be able to make a resource permanently available for your chosen language. If you would like to have this then contact us at contact@jibberai.com.