Deployment Models:

There are two different deployment models available:

Option 1 - SaaS - No Deployment - Hosted for you:

Access Jibber AI via RapidAPI

RapidAPI is the world's largest API hub, used by over three million developers.

For more information - see here


  • No Deployment
  • Various pricing plans available
  • You can be calling Jibber AI in just minutes


  • Each request is limited to about 50-100 pages of text (25k)
  • No support for custom entity and PII analyzers

Option 2 - Docker image hosted in your own environment:

Access Jibber AI via Docker

We can supply a Docker image for you to add to your own environment.

For more information - see here


  • You control the maximum size of text that can be processes (limits apply)
  • Data does not need to leave your environment for analysis
  • Support for custom entity and PII analyzers


  • You manage the deployment