Jibber AI with HTTP / HTTPS

As with many Docker images, Jibber AI supports http only. If you want to expose Jibber AI outside of a local server, or require more secure transfer of data using https, then a typical approach is to use a reverse proxy.

Reverse Proxy

A reverse proxy is a server that acts as an intermediary for client requests to one or more servers. It receives requests from clients and forwards them to the appropriate server.

The response from the server is then returned to the reverse proxy, which in turn sends it back to the client.

Reverse proxies can also be used to distribute incoming traffic among multiple servers, improving performance and reliability by balancing the load. They can also be used to provide additional security by shielding the identity of the server and masking any vulnerabilities that may exist.

Some popular reverse proxy servers include Nginx, Traefik, Apache HTTP Server, and HAProxy.

The reverse proxy would be configured to listen on https, and would then forward on the request using http.

The Docker Compose help includes a configuration for a load balancer with nginx (without https). There is a host of document and examples on how to configure nginx with https.